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A Good Man Is Hard to Find Reading Recording

A Proficient Man is Hard to Discover past Flannery O'Connor

A Good Man is Hard to Find - Flannery O'ConnorIn A Expert Man is Hard to Notice by Flannery O'Connor nosotros have the theme of fearfulness, appearance, nostalgia, selfishness and grace. Taken from her drove of the same name the story is narrated in the tertiary person by an unnamed narrator and very early on in the story the reader realises that O'Connor is delving into i of the chief themes of the story, the theme of fright. The main protagonist, named only as the Grandmother is afraid to go to Florida, fearing that she may come across a criminal called The Misfit who she has read about in the newspaper. In many ways the Grandmother's reading of the article virtually The Misfit acts as foreshadowing because afterwards the reader becomes aware that the Grandmother does indeed see The Misfit and it is through this encounter that O'Connor will further explore the theme of fear.

O'Connor as well looks at the idea or theme of appearance early on in the story. The reader is aware that the Grandmother has put on her all-time dress and then that 'in case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady.' This is significant as it suggests that the Grandmother, through appearance, looks at herself as superior to others. This is not the merely time in the story in whereby the reader senses that the Grandmother views herself every bit superior to others. There are further examples which propose she believes herself to be superior to others. When she sees the young blackness child on the route she tells John Wesley and June Star that 'Little niggers in the country don't take the things nosotros exercise.' Again the Grandmother is judging past appearance or by fabric possession and may be suggesting that she and her family are more superior to the black kid. As well when she is telling John Wesley and June Star about Edgar Atkins Teagarden (1 of her suitors when she was younger), she defines him as successful because he bought shares in Coca Cola, over again the reader aware that material things or advent are more of import to the Grandmother than a person'southward character.

The reader gets a further insight into how the grandmother thinks when the family end off at The Tower restaurant. Red Sammy Butts (owner of The Tower) tells the grandmother almost the time that he sold some gas on credit to two men simply that they never returned to pay him. This leads to the grandmother telling Red Sammy that he is a good man because he was kind to others. However the reality of Scarlet Sammy's generosity is that it was an act of blind faith (or foolishness) rather than him being the kind person the Grandmother is asserting him to be. The Grandmother also talks  to Blood-red Sammy about the by and how difficult it is to detect a practiced homo today. This sense of nostalgia is of import because later in the story O'Connor returns to the idea of forgotten times when the grandmother is talking to The Misfit.

The Grandmother's conversation with Ruby-red Sammy is also important for another reason. It once again highlights to the reader how judgemental she is. As she is talking about goodness (her definition of goodness) to Red Sammy she tells him that she blames Europe for the fashion the world is. This may exist significant as the Grandmother may be suggesting that Europe or Europeans in full general may have been ungrateful for the assistance that America gave during WWII. It may also advise that the Grandmother considers herself to exist more than superior to Europeans.

O'Connor explores the idea of nostalgia further later on the family unit leave The Belfry. The Grandmother recalls the plantation firm she visited as a younger adult female. Symbolically the firm may be significant. The Grandmother has incorrectly assumed that the house she is thinking almost is in Georgia and through this mistake O'Connor may be suggesting, as the family travel along the clay road to the business firm (which isn't there), that the Grandmother may also exist on the wrong path in life.

O'Connor likewise appears to exist using symbolism subsequently the car accident. As the family are sitting in the ditch, O'Connor mentions that behind the ditch 'there were more wood, tall and dark and deep.' This may be pregnant as afterward information technology is in the same forest that Baily and his family unit are shot. Besides the car that The Misfit is travelling in is described every bit 'a big blackness battered hearse-similar machine.' Again this may be significant as the car acts in some ways every bit a foreshadowing device. After all Bailey, his family and the Grandmother are killed by The Misfit and his two accomplices.

The idea of selfishness is also explored near the end of the story. At no point does the Grandmother plead with The Misfit to spare Bailey or his families' lives. Throughout her date with The Misfit she is focused on securing her ain safety. It is also noticeable that the Grandmother begins to alter her long held religious beliefs telling The Misfit that 'maybe He (Jesus) didn't raise the dead.' This may be pregnant as information technology suggests that the Grandmother is prepared to say (and possibly do) anything in society to relieve her life.

There is even so a moment at the end of the story in whereby the reader becomes aware that the Grandmother achieves Grace. This occurs when the Grandmother suspects that The Misfit is about to cry and she rises to her feet and tells The Misfit 'why you're one of my babies. You're one of my own children.' This connectedness with The Misfit is important every bit for the first time in the story the Grandmother is showing compassion and understanding to some other person. Unfortunately this connection with The Misfit does not save the Grandmother's life. The reader finding that The Misfit after the Grandmother reaches to touch him 'sprang back as if a snake had bitten him and shot her 3 times through the chest.'

While at that place is a sense that the Grandmother achieves Grace, some critics likewise advise that the Misfit may also have achieved Grace at the terminate of the story. After Hiram and Bobby Lee accept come up back from the woods, The Misfit tells Bobby Lee 'Information technology's no existent pleasure in life.' Gone is his idea of pleasance in meanness, which had previously driven him. In the end The Misfit besides has the possibility to modify, just similar the Grandmother.

Cite Mail service

McManus, Dermot. "A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor." The Sitting Bee. The Sitting Bee, 3 January. 2014. Spider web.


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